Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Smiley Ball Lost

One of my biggest dilemmas on this daily photo journey of mine is deciding on that one photo that I want to share with you.  Do I choose the more traditional and obvious or do I choose the more off beat and strange?  Should I choose a photo that I know would be appealing to your eyes, such as the beautiful sunset that I photographed on my way home or should I choose something less aesthetically pleasing, something that you yourself may not ever even stop to notice?  

Such was my struggle this evening. 



  1. Yay! It didn't take long for a lost ball to make it's way into the collection :o)

  2. Sure didn't! Pulled up in front of a client's store this morning and this guy was hogging the parking space ahead of me! LOL

  3. It matches your sense of humor...for sure.
